Farewell to Borders Bookstore


bordersOn August 9th, Borders Bookstore in Colney Fields (south of St Albans) will close down. It has been operating here since April 2005 and has Starbucks Café and Paperchase on its premises. These too will clear out as New Look fashion ftore prepares to move in.

The closure is a consequence the recession and some other factors. The employees are clearly shocked, angry and dismal about the whole situation. The residents of St Albans and surrounding areas are also saddened by this news. One customer expressed his views:

‘It is a place one loves to come and spend an hour browsing through the book shelves, and then spend another hour reading over a Starbucks coffee.’

The 50% sale has been drawing many people in to get the last of the bargains. Many books are now reduced to £1. The children’s section upstairs is normally a cosy, colourful and welcoming corner. Today it is a desolate, deserted scene. Downstairs looks like it’s been hit by a bomb!

Borders will continue operating in nearby Watford and Brent Cross. For how long though, is another question!

For more details and to see the store’s closure notice, visit http://londoncolney.borders.co.uk/store/londoncolney/22/

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Maria Larmer lives in St Albans and is married with four children. She works as a Freelance Writer, English Language Teacher and Teaching Assistant. She has lived in Auckland, New Zealand for 9 years and prior to that in France, Germany, Austria, Edinburgh, London and Ireland. Her diary-writing has featured on 'The Wild Geese' Channel 4 and Radio Verulam. She has written for Hertfordshire Life magazine, Go Camping magazine, Camping magazine, The Catholic Times, St Albans & Harpenden Review, New Zealand Times, The New Beacon, My Weekly and various websites. She can be contacted on maria.larmer@ntlworld.com