Think Verulam for local services!


The word Verulam stems from Verulamium (St Albans). You may have noticed this word associated with companies or entertainment all over this city. If not, read on and see who you can support.


Radio Verulam  (92.6 FM) –  St Albans local community radio station  works with local groups and organisations. For details on specialist programmes and opportunities see or email


Verulam Writers Circle – This local writers’ group meets regularly and welcomes new members. or email


Verulam IT – Quality web design and hosting services; webmaster of this wonderful stalbanslife website!  See  or email


Verulam Electrics – Qualified and reliable electrician based in St Albans. See website for more details or contact


Verulam ASC – St Albans based swimming club which provides training sessions in Marlborough and Westminster Lodge pools.


Verulam Clinic – Health clinic providing care for adults, children and pregnant women, using both traditional and complementary methods. or phone 01727 833100


Verulam Tiles – Located off the London Road,St Albans, Verulam Tiles has a vast collection of tiles and helpful staff. See


B N I Verulam – BNI Verulam operates locally but is part of the larger Business Network International which is a business referral group.  See more information and current vacancies on


Verulam Golf Club – St Albans challenging 18 hole golf course is home to the Ryder Cup and boasts good drainage for all- year-round playing.

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Maria Larmer lives in St Albans and is married with four children. She works as a Freelance Writer, English Language Teacher and Teaching Assistant. She has lived in Auckland, New Zealand for 9 years and prior to that in France, Germany, Austria, Edinburgh, London and Ireland. Her diary-writing has featured on 'The Wild Geese' Channel 4 and Radio Verulam. She has written for Hertfordshire Life magazine, Go Camping magazine, Camping magazine, The Catholic Times, St Albans & Harpenden Review, New Zealand Times, The New Beacon, My Weekly and various websites. She can be contacted on