Jackson Live in Concert – The Radlett Centre March 10th 2019

Jackson live in concert

Jackson Live in Concert brings the hugely talented ‘CJ’ back to The Radlett Centre, recreating the Michael Jackson experience with his stunning rendition of all his favourite songs.

Michael Jackson is not only remembered as one of the most influential artists of all time, but many of today’s artists have been inspired by his iconic style. His career spanned nearly five decades of music, and he was continually at the forefront of popular music.

CJ is one of the most experienced, dedicated and well-respected Michael Jackson Tribute artists in the world today, and he perfectly captures the electrifying energy of Michael’s live performances with 100% Live Vocals. He’s got the look, the moonwalk and the voice! His renditions of Thriller, Beat it and Billie Jean are truly sensational. CJ is joined on the stage by his incredible band and dancers who work their way through all the hits in this accurate and exciting tribute to the King of Pop!

CJ said “No show can ever compare to seeing the man himself live but Michael Jackson fans who have seen our show have commented that it’s the closest thing to seeing MJ live. This makes me very happy, proud and honoured to give fans a taste of what it was like to see Michael Jackson in action.”

Jackson Live in Concert brings together superb musicians and dancers, fabulous costumes, and of course all the signature dance moves associated so fondly with the undisputed King of Pop. Packed with authentic touches and flair, Jackson Live in Concert authentically captures the essence and magic of Michael Jackson live on stage.

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I have been a St. Albans resident for 25 years and run a local business, Verulam Web Design, who created and maintain stalbanslife. I originally moved up this way in 1987 to start a Ph. D. at the then Hatfield Polytechnic and have worked in London or locally ever since. I have 2 children who went to local schools and seemingly a deep need to live in a Roman town. Currently performing as Tom Petty in the tribute band Petty Criminals (https://pettycriminals.com) and in the American classic rock show Take It Easy (https://takeiteasyuk.com).