AMATEUR RADIO – Get a transmitting licence for just £25 !


amateurradioThe Verulam Amateur radio Club is running a training course in St Albans for anyone interested in obtaining an amateur radio transmitting licence.

The course will be held on six Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm starting on Wednesday 28th October 2009 with the examination on December the 9th. As we have been awarded a Grassroots Grant, the all-inclusive fee, which includes the RSGB training book (normally £4.99), the examination fee (£22.50) and other course materials, is just £25 !

Topics covered in the course are: Operating, Basic electronics, Transmitters, Receivers, Antennas, Propagation, Licence regulations, Safety and Practical exercises (this includes transmitting on at least two amateur bands).

The exam is 25 “multiple choice” questions ie each question has four possible answers (just like “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”). The question papers are marked immediately after the exam, so you will know if you have passed and you could have a licence and your very own unique callsign before Christmas.
Please call Brian on 01923 228121 to book your place.

The club was formed in October 1961 and usually meets on the third Tuesday of the month. The topics for the next few meetings are:

20th October – “Vertical Antennas”
17th November – Bring & Buy auction of radio equipment
8th December – Christmas party (nibbles, raffle etc)
19th January – Mobile Telephone Technology

Other activities planned for 2010 are a “Radio Fox Hunt”, on-air evenings and participating in various amateur radio competitions.

For more information, please call the club secretary (Ralph) on 01923 265572 or visit our websites and