Waiting for Katherine at the Horn


Waiting For Katherine (WFK) will be playing tomorrow night (5th Feb, 8pm) at the Horn! I have heard of this local band but I will finally get to see them in action this weekend!

WFK is a four piece band who plays ‘high-energy funfilled pop/rock/punk/indie or whatever takes their fancy!’ They won the Battle of the Bands 17 last year and it  looks like they are in for a successful 2011.

Tickets for tomorrow’s performance cost £5 in advance or £6 at the door. The Horn is near St Albans station, on Victoria St.  Contact  01727 853143 or www.thehorn.co.uk for tickets/map/times.

WFK has a fun, energetic, website with two free tune downloads www.wfk.moonfruit.com . Find them also on Facebook and Twitter.

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Maria Larmer lives in St Albans and is married with four children. She works as a Freelance Writer, English Language Teacher and Teaching Assistant. She has lived in Auckland, New Zealand for 9 years and prior to that in France, Germany, Austria, Edinburgh, London and Ireland. Her diary-writing has featured on 'The Wild Geese' Channel 4 and Radio Verulam. She has written for Hertfordshire Life magazine, Go Camping magazine, Camping magazine, The Catholic Times, St Albans & Harpenden Review, New Zealand Times, The New Beacon, My Weekly and various websites. She can be contacted on maria.larmer@ntlworld.com