Electra at the Abbey Theatre, St. Albans. November 2018. REVIEW

Electra abbey theatre performers

This was the first time I had seen a performance in the studio part of the Abbey Theatre. I must say I liked the intimacy this created. Allowing the audience to feel a part of the production, almost. The play is quite short, in two acts of 45-50 minutes or so and this felt right. All the dialogue and action had meaning and impact. For more details about the production itself see the press release on this website.

The ambiguity in the play, in particular the blurring of good and evil, right and wrong, is timeless. The cast brought the play to life well, but the stand out performance was Deborah Cole in the lead role. A beautiful, detailed and compelling interpretation that brought out the depth of her moral outrage and her all-consuming desire for revenge on her mother and her new lover.

Highly recommended. It is running this week – Tuesday 13th –Saturday 17th November 2018, 8:00pm. At £12 it is a bargain night out.

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I have been a St. Albans resident for 25 years and run a local business, Verulam Web Design, who created and maintain stalbanslife. I originally moved up this way in 1987 to start a Ph. D. at the then Hatfield Polytechnic and have worked in London or locally ever since. I have 2 children who went to local schools and seemingly a deep need to live in a Roman town. Currently performing as Tom Petty in the tribute band Petty Criminals (https://pettycriminals.com) and in the American classic rock show Take It Easy (https://takeiteasyuk.com).