The Little Mermaid – Pantomime-with-the-leading-edge!


littlem1I was rather hesitant about going to this year’s Christmas Pantomime at the St Albans Arena. For the past few years, I paid over £100 to see the pantomimes with my family and had not come away feeling satisfied. Last night, however, my child and I were enthralled by The Little Mermaid from start to finish. I spoke to other parents who were equally as awed by this show.

Sarah Jane Honeywell was as professional as ever. Her strong voice and pretty looks were perfect for the part of Mermaid. I didn’t anticipate enjoying the 3D effects but as advertised, the technology used is seriously groundbreaking! It was scary, credible, moving and captivating. The experience of being brought through the bottom of the ocean (by Cecil the Seahorse), encountering characters that almost grab you, had me on the edge of my seat.

littlem2My favourite character was Long John Silver (also known as Buster). He was engaging and charismatic from the minute he walked on stage. Throwing mischievous glances frequently to the audience, Buster included us from the very start. He has that ‘Michael McIntyre’ sort of wholesomeness about his character and he was so relaxed in the funniest way possible. It came as a complete surprise that this is his first Pantomime!

This show has comedy to suit everyone, outstanding performers with dazzling costumes, incredible 3D effects and top musical entertainment; I would recommend you see this. It does give great value for money especially as you experience good quality on your own doorstep.

A word of warning: Some younger children may find parts a little frightening. It is perfect for ages 5 – 95. And, OH YES, watch out for dear old Churchill!

Extra information;

For tickets and more information, click on or phone 01727 844488.

The show runs twice daily until January 3rd 2010 (except Christmas and New Years Day)

Prices vary from £15 to £20 (group discounts available).

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Maria Larmer lives in St Albans and is married with four children. She works as a Freelance Writer, English Language Teacher and Teaching Assistant. She has lived in Auckland, New Zealand for 9 years and prior to that in France, Germany, Austria, Edinburgh, London and Ireland. Her diary-writing has featured on 'The Wild Geese' Channel 4 and Radio Verulam. She has written for Hertfordshire Life magazine, Go Camping magazine, Camping magazine, The Catholic Times, St Albans & Harpenden Review, New Zealand Times, The New Beacon, My Weekly and various websites. She can be contacted on