ED BYRNE: If I’m Honest. Alban Arena 26th February 2020

Ed byrne image

Following his biggest ever tour last year and yet another sell-out Fringe run in August, one of the UK’s finest observational comics embarks on an EVEN BIGGER brand-new tour and has now announced an even FURTHER extension for 2020! Join him as he takes a long hard look at himself and tries to decide if he has ANY traits that are worth passing on to his children. A TV household name, Ed has been seen on pretty much every TV programme in the UK including Mock The Week, Top Gear, Have I Got News For You, The Graham Norton Show, Live At The Apollo (Host), The One Show, The World’s Most Dangerous Roads, Dara & Ed’s Big Adventure, Dara and Ed’s Road to Mandalay and most recently QI and The Pilgrimage.

Praise For The Last Tour:
“A one-hour tour de force performance from the master comedian”

“Hysterical…..a must see show. My face hurts from laughing so much!”
The Student Newspaper

“The hour is self-deprecating, never self-indulgent, and his packed audience are well entertained”

“Expert stand up from the brilliant Ed Byrne”

“Thoroughly entertaining… he is a total pro and terrific company”

“There is a reason why he has become a household name”




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I have been a St. Albans resident for 25 years and run a local business, Verulam Web Design, who created and maintain stalbanslife. I originally moved up this way in 1987 to start a Ph. D. at the then Hatfield Polytechnic and have worked in London or locally ever since. I have 2 children who went to local schools and seemingly a deep need to live in a Roman town. Currently performing as Tom Petty in the tribute band Petty Criminals (https://pettycriminals.com) and in the American classic rock show Take It Easy (https://takeiteasyuk.com).