Bishop Stack echoed this, “In every school, there needs to be an oasis of peace, calm and (to quote poet TS Eliot) a still point of a turning world. Its important that this is at the heart of every school; visual, tangable and close to nature.”
Several pupils had enthusiastic comments to make about their prayer garden. ” I will go there to say prayers especially if I am worried about sick relatives. I will have a peaceful time with God.” said a year 4 pupil.
Bishop Stack presented four symbolic plants to the school; sage, lavender, rosemary and thyme. He spoke about their physical and spiritual effects.The pupils presented the bishop with a plaque and CD of their wonderful choir, ‘ to enjoy on his M25 journeys!’
The school choir completed the mass with their own song which includes the words ‘We are children of St John Fisher School and we are sharing God’s peace, hope and joy.’ These words portray the essence of what St John Fisher school and its new Prayer Garden is all about.