A summer of cycling in and around London 2014

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The summer of 2014 offers a real treat for cyclists in and around London – whether it’s a gentle amble through the great British countryside, or a more intense sprint with a competitive edge, Bike Events has something for everyone.

Bike Events are the UK’s biggest organiser of recreational and sponsored bike rides and they’ve been organising events for over 20 years now. The 2014 calendar is well underway and this year over 50 rides were scheduled to take place.

This year there are five events scheduled to visit the city of London:

London to Hastings – Sunday 29th June

70 Mile ride in support of Abbie’s Army – Fighting kid’s brain cancer

London to Oxford – Sunday 6th July

60 Mile ride in support of Prostate Cancer Research

London to Southend – Sunday 20th July

52 Mile ride in support of British Heart Foundation

London to Cambridge – Sunday 27th July

60 Mile ride in support of Breakthrough Breast Cancer

London to Windsor – Sunday 7th September

A choice of a 29, 37 or 55 mile ride – this is an open event although riders can raise money for their own charities if they wish.Bike events image

Unlike other cycle events, it’ not a race. Riders can turn up anytime between a two-three hour window and start their ride at the own time, their own pace and with their friends.

Of course, there are still the competitive entrants who relish the chance to race against their friends or club buddies – some of the other events in the Bike Events calendar now feature 100 mile routes with chip timing.

Entry fees range from around £16 to £23 with discounts available for children, students and team entries.

All of the rides are fully-supported with clearly-signed routes, wayside marshals, first-aid cover, bike-mechanics and pick-up vehicles.

At the end of each event riders can expect music, refreshments and performers to welcome them home as they cross the finish line, making it a fun day out for all of the family.

For more information on the 2014 rides, the events listed above and full entry details and route maps, riders should visit; www.bike-events.co.uk

See you at the start line!


Bike Events: Bike Events are the UK’s biggest organiser of fundraising and recreational cycle rides and have been organising rides for over 20 years. Find out more; www.bike-events.co.uk

Contact: Alan Strawbridge, 0117 989 7089, alan@bike-events.co.uk


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I have been a St. Albans resident for 25 years and run a local business, Verulam Web Design, who created and maintain stalbanslife. I originally moved up this way in 1987 to start a Ph. D. at the then Hatfield Polytechnic and have worked in London or locally ever since. I have 2 children who went to local schools and seemingly a deep need to live in a Roman town. Currently performing as Tom Petty in the tribute band Petty Criminals (https://pettycriminals.com) and in the American classic rock show Take It Easy (https://takeiteasyuk.com).